Schumer: Feds are currently listing flatware and other products made by companies as ‘American-Made’ when they are actually produced overseas, putting companies that manufacture in the U.S., like Sherrill Manufacturing in Central, NY, at a disadvantage. Senator pushes feds to review ‘Made in America’ listings and immediately remove companies that are falsely listed. Read more
Tag Archive for: Manufacturing
Imports from China by Walmart, the nation’s largest retailer and biggest importer, eliminated or displaced over 400,000 jobs in the United States between 2001 and 2013, according to an estimate by the Economic Policy Institute, a progressive research group that has long targeted Walmart’s policies.
Read moreBy closing loopholes in the Buy American Act, the 21st Century Buy American Act will increase demand for U.S. manufactured goods and create at least 60,000 to 100,000 U.S. jobs. Read more
The Sofidel Group, a major paper manufacturer for sanitary and household use, announced on Nov. 5. 5 that it has made three investments across the U.S. Read more
SPRING HILL, Tenn.—The hulking General Motors factory in this town south of Nashville undermines the complaints by politicians left and right that America doesn’t make things anymore. Read more
As companies “tiptoe” back to the United States from overseas, the “Made in USA” label should grow more common. However, ambiguous rules are costing some manufacturers hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties and legal fees. So what’s the problem? The coveted “Made in USA” does not always mean the same thing to companies as to the Federal Trade Commission. Read more
When one is presented with change, many begin to feel a sense of insecurity. When a company decides to invoke change, that precise sensation can be overwhelming for its employees. This apprehension rippled through ACE Metal Crafts (ACE) when its executives partnered with Toyota to enhance the company’s lead time and production methods. Read more
Wondering why Under Armour couldn’t make some products in U.S.? Read more
Some firms have slowly been moving operations back to the U.S. Will the new TPP trade deal undo the progress? Read more
Liberty Tabletop – There are many signs that the fortunes of the century-old plant, now owned by Sherrill Manufacturing, aren’t what they once were, but among the starkest are the dozens of discolored concrete patches that line a stretch of the cavernous factory floor. They mark the holes where drop hammers were ripped out and […]
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