Walmart announced bold commitments to increase domestic sourcing of the products it sells and help veterans find jobs when they come off active duty. Speaking at the National Retail Federation’s annual BIG Show, Walmart U.S. President and CEO Bill Simon also announced the company is helping part-time associates who want to be full time, make that transition. Read more
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When President Obama comes to Montgomery County on Friday, he will speak in front of a two-foot-tall toy helicopter, a toy roller coaster, a toy grandfather clock, a motorized toy carousel, and an American flag made of 49,000 K’Nex pieces.
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All American Clothing Co., proud corporate members of The Made in America Movement, announces a new warning label that raises awareness of the consequences of outsourcing and buying foreign-made items in the United States. Read more
Maybe the once-ubiquitous label, Made in USA should be updated to: Made in USA — Again. Read more
America is making stuff again. The Wall Street Journal‘s Jack Hough wrote an article about the hot new idea economists are buzzing about: the American manufacturing boom.Hough spoke to Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Neil Dutta who identified three trends that lay the foundation to a coming American manufacturing renaissance.
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