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eCommerce Terms


Description of Goods and Services
Registering with The Made in America Movement and paying for a membership entitles a company to use the MAM Logo for a predetermined length of time (standard agreement is one year, with the ability to purchase additional years). The logo is provided to members in a variety of images formats and color combinations through digital downloads

Return Policy
As there are no physical goods being transferred, returns are a non-issue.

Refund Policy
All monies paid when registering for the logo or when purchasing additional years are non-refundable. No pro-rated refunds will be offered if a membership is cancelled.

Cancellation Policy
Membership with The Made in America Movement may be cancelled at any time by contacting Customer Service by phone or by email. No refunds or pro-rating of membership fees will be given.

Delivery/Shipping Policies
All deliveries to members are done through digital means; no physical shipping or handling applies to this product as it is not a durable product.

Customer Service
All customer service inquiries can be directed to:
The Made in America Movement
Attn: Customer Service
PO Box 286
Scranton, PA  18504

Privacy Statements
Data collected in the agreement field is for internal use only.  Data will not be sold or shared with any third-party agency.  



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