Saving US Manufacturing
by Michele Nash-Hoff
Find the latest articles from manufacturing expert, author, and speaker Michele Nash-Hoff
About Michele Nash-Hoff
Michele is founder and president of ElectroFab Sales, a sales agency specializing in helping manufacturers select the right processes for their products since 1985.
She is currently a director on the board of the and the San Diego Inventors Forum and is also Chair of the California chapter of the Coalition for a Prosperous America.
Michele is the author of Rebuild Manufacturing – the key to American Prosperity, which is a sequel to the 2009 and 2012 edition of Can American Manufacturing Be Saved? Why We Should and How We Can available on Amazon. She had her own column on IndustryWeek’s e-newsline until 2018, and has written articles for many other e-newslines and industry websites.
Michele earned a B. A. from San Diego State University and is a 1994 graduate of San Diego’s leadership program (LEAD San Diego). She earned a certificate in Total Quality Management in 1993 and a Yellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma in 2014.
Michele Nash-Hoff started in San Diego’s high-tech manufacturing industry as an engineering secretary at age 18 before going back to college as a young mother. Her career includes being part of the founding team of two startup companies.
She has also served as a Managing Member of two new business incubators for start-up companies while running ElectroFab in the last 20 years. The National Business Incubation Association published Michele’s first book, For Profit Business Incubators in 1998. She was a mentor for startup companies for CONNECT’s Springboard program from 2015-2018.
Michele can be reached on her website for questions and speaking engagements at
USITC Report Reveals Only Small Positive Effect from Trade Agreements
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