This year, BNSF Railway, one of the country’s largest freight railroads, aims to hire 3,500 workers across the United States — a challenge at a time when employers nationwide say they are struggling to fill vacancies. So, BNSF is offering something rare in blue-collar America: signing bonuses up to $25,000 for hourly workers, including electricians, boilermakers, and pipefitters. Read more
Can the United States win against ‘Made in China 2025’?
ManufacturingTrump Administration To Aid Farmers
FarmersThe Trump administration is coming to the aid of farmers hurt by its own hard-line trade policies, announcing Tuesday that it will make an estimated $12 billion in government assistance available, including direct payments to growers. Read more
Signing Bonuses: Something Rare in Blue-Collar America
Economy, Jobs, Middles ClassThis year, BNSF Railway, one of the country’s largest freight railroads, aims to hire 3,500 workers across the United States — a challenge at a time when employers nationwide say they are struggling to fill vacancies. So, BNSF is offering something rare in blue-collar America: signing bonuses up to $25,000 for hourly workers, including electricians, boilermakers, and pipefitters. Read more
Meet the NEW Made in Michigan Ford Truck
American Made, Automotive, Made in USA, ManufacturingA V8-Powered, Manual, Lifted, Jeep-Slaying 2020 Ford Truck! Read more
The Made in America Product Showcase at The White House
American Made, GovernmentThe 2nd Annual Made in America Product Showcase at The White House is about to begin and we are proud to see several MAM Members and Supporters are included, yet again! Read more
Why is The U.S. Flag Worn “Backward” on The Uniform?
Made in USA, MilitaryArmy Regulation 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, is the governing authority for the wear of Army uniforms. Paragraph 28-18 governs the wear of the United States Flag on Army Uniforms. Read more
Top 10 Reasons to Buy American Made
American Made, Domestic Sourcing, Economy3 Ways for American Companies to Reduce Millennial Turnover
Company CultureLearn the 3 best practices that not only reduce turnover, but position your company to attract more high-caliber talent from both the Millennial and soon, Generation Z workforce.
American Made Flatware
American MadeYou get early access to enter as our THANK YOU for receiving email notifications of new posts to The Made in America Movement. Claim your entry to win a 65pc set of the LUX Pattern Betsy Ross Flatware from Liberty Tabletop, valued at $499.
5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started: Ahmet Abaci