In the week before Valentine’s Day, United Technologies expressed its love for its devoted Indiana employees, workers whose labor had kept the corporation profitable, by informing 2,100 of them at two facilities that it was shipping their factories, their jobs, their communities’ resources to Mexico. Read more
King Arthur Wants To Tell You Where Its Flour Comes From
Consumer Products, Domestic Sourcing, Food Products, SourcingMore and more, people want their food providers to be transparent. They want to know exactly where the ingredient they’re eating and cooking with are coming from. Which is why King Arthur Flour recently launched Identity-Preserved White Whole Wheat Flour. Read more
Carrier: Anger, Resignation as Massive Pay Gap Prompts Mexico Move
Economy, Factory Closings, Jobs, Manufacturing, Middles Class, OutsourcingCarrier – Union leaders at an air conditioner factory in Indianapolis threatened with losing 1,400 jobs to Mexico said on Tuesday the plant’s owner expects to pay Mexican workers $3 an hour compared to an average of more than $20 an hour for the U.S. workers. Read more
Obama Signs Law Banning Imported Goods Produced by Forced Labor
Economy, Jobs, Manufacturing, Slave LaborPresident Obama signed into law Wednesday a provision banning the import of good made by child and forced labor. Read more
Factories in The USA: 56K Lost During First Decade
Economy, Factory Closings, Jobs, Manufacturing, Middles Class, Outsourcing, Slave LaborIn the week before Valentine’s Day, United Technologies expressed its love for its devoted Indiana employees, workers whose labor had kept the corporation profitable, by informing 2,100 of them at two facilities that it was shipping their factories, their jobs, their communities’ resources to Mexico. Read more
Dumping Crackdown: New Law Cracks down on Steel Dumpers
American Made, Economy, Jobs, Made in USA, ManufacturingPresident Barack Obama signed a customs bill that contains added protections for the domestic steel industry, whose advocates hailed it as a “good news day” and even a “great day.” The new law will crack down on steel dumping. Read more
Asian Honey, Banned in Europe, Is Flooding U.S. Grocery Shelves
American Made, Consumer Products, Food Products, Made in USAA third or more of all the honey consumed in the U.S. is likely to have been smuggled in from China and may be tainted with illegal antibiotics and heavy metals. A Food Safety News investigation has documented that millions of pounds banned as unsafe in dozens of countries are being imported and sold here in record quantities. Read more
Nabisco Factory Workers Fight Back Against Layoffs
Economy, Jobs, Manufacturing, OutsourcingEmployees at the Nabisco plant on Chicago’s Southwest Side face an uncertain future as the company hands out pink slips and starts moving parts of its operations to Mexico. Read more
Flashback: Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima
American History, MilitaryThe late photographer Joe Rosenthal recalls his Pulitzer Prize-winning image of United States Marines raising the American flag on Iwo Jima that would later be memorialized in a monument at the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Virginia. Read more
TPP: Another Nail in the Coffin of American Manufacturing
Economy, Jobs, Manufacturing, Production, Public Policy, TPPOn January 25, 2016, the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) released a report on the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) trade agreement. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) promptly released their commentary on the Peterson Institute report the same day, which was based on oral and written testimony CEO Michael Stumo had given to the U. S. International Trade Commission on January 15, 2016. Read more
Whirlpool to Expand Dishwasher Assembly Plant in Ohio
American Made, Consumer Products, Economy, Jobs, Production, ReshoringWhirlpool Corp. confirmed on Thursday said it would invest $40.6 million in its Findlay, Ohio, plant, and anticipates adding 50 new jobs at the dishwasher-manufacturing facility. Read more