On February 4, 2016, President Obama signed the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement on behalf of the United States. The TPP agreement has been in negotiation behind closed doors since 2010 between the United States and 11 other countries around the Pacific Rim: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. The TPP is a “docking agreement” so other countries could be added without the approval of Congress. India, China, and Korea have expressed interest in joining the TPP.
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How the TPP Could Affect You and Your Business
Economy, Jobs, Manufacturing, Outsourcing, TPPOn February 4, 2016, President Obama signed the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement on behalf of the United States. The TPP agreement has been in negotiation behind closed doors since 2010 between the United States and 11 other countries around the Pacific Rim: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. The TPP is a “docking agreement” so other countries could be added without the approval of Congress. India, China, and Korea have expressed interest in joining the TPP.
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Poll: Americans prefer low prices to items Made in USA
American MadeWASHINGTON (AP) — The vast majority of Americans say they prefer lower prices instead of paying a premium for items labeled Made in USA, even if it means those cheaper items are made abroad, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. Read more
Education: 5 Ways to Inspire the Next Generation of Manufacturers
Economy, Education, Jobs, MANUFACTURERS, Manufacturing, Skills Gap, STEM, TechnologyHIGHER EDUCATION The importance of manufacturing to our economic well-being is not a mystery to the manufacturing industry. But how can we get today’s youth to see the value of a manufacturing career? Read more
Reshoring Effort Returning, Keeping Jobs in USA
Economy, Jobs, Manufacturing, ReshoringThe stream of millions of U.S. jobs going overseas has stopped, according to a report from the Chicago-based Reshoring Initiative. Read more
Look Out China, US Manufacturing is Headed for No. 1
Economy, Innovation, Manufacturing, Production, Reshoring, TechnologyAdvanced manufacturing technologies are helping to push the United States back toward being the most competitive manufacturing nation in the world, according to a new survey of global CEOs and other senior executives. Read more
Walmart’s Customers Too Broke To Shop
Consumer Products, Economy, Jobs, WalmartWalmart is facing a “perfect storm” that’s hurting its sales growth, according to Moody’s. Read more
Does America Really Need Manufacturing?
Education, Innovation, Jobs, Manufacturing, Middles Class, Policy Makers, Skills Gap, TechnologyToo many American companies base decisions about how to source manufacturing largely on narrow financial criteria, never taking into account the potential strategic value of domestic locations. Proposals for plants are treated like any other investment proposal and subjected to strict return hurdles. Tax, regulatory, intellectual property, and political considerations may also figure heavily in the conversation. But executives, viewing manufacturing mainly as a cost center, give short shrift to the impact that outsourcing or offshoring it may have on a company’s capacity to innovate. Indeed, most don’t consider manufacturing to be part of a company’s innovation system at all. Read more
A Flower-Farming Renaissance: America’s Slow Flower Movement
Farmers, Made in USA CertifiedDiane Szukovathy, a flower farmer in Washington State’s Skagit Valley, chairs the board of the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market, which was launched in 2011.
(updated June 30, 2016) On a gloomy morning in March, an insistent rain fell on the dull gray and smoky brown buildings of South Seattle’s industrial Georgetown neighborhood. But at the back of a former brewery, a different palette reigned. Bursts of yellow corylopsis gave way to pale magenta hellebores and pink cherry blossoms. Read more
On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point
Economy, Government, Jobs, Manufacturing, Middles Class, World Trade Organization (WTO)Were the experts wrong about the benefits of trade for the American economy? Read more
Nashville Recording Artist and Made in America Store Founder To Honor Veterans, Military & The USA
American Made, Consumer Products, Economy, Made in USAThe Made in America Store announces release of new Ricky Lee CD and Music Video. The collaboration between Nashville recording artist and store founder continues to honor our Veterans, our U.S. Military & our country, The United States of America!
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