Made in America Expo


american made products

Dallas, TX, December 20, 2013 – Expo Management, Inc. has designed the most comprehensive, national business to consumer exposition showcasing and celebrating American made products held May 16-18, 2014 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, TX.
For exhibitors, this Expo will gather an anticipated 20,000 attendees over a three day period to view innovative American companies offering a wide variety of goods in hundreds of booths.

For the public attending the Expo, they will be able to go from booth to booth of all American made goods. Consumers want to support American made products because of the benefits to keeping dollars on our own shores and strengthening our production jobs base.

National speakers and well known advocates of The Made in America Movement, including our very own, Ms. Margarita Mendoza, CEO & Founder, will discuss the importance and advantages to buying American made products.  If you are in the area, stop and say hi!  Enter the raffle for a major American made prize, such as a Ford automobile.  Yo, will be given away to attract regional consumers.

Well known Dallas/Fort Worth meteorologist and TV personality Rebecca Miller will serve as the emcee of the Made in America Expo.

Expo Management, Inc.’s mission is to showcase a wide variety of domestic companies that produce American made products in an expansive, equitable expo venue that will attract large numbers of willing consumers.

Become an exhibitor today.

MAM Members, contact your member services rep for your discounted rates.  Click here to view a complete prospectus.

See you in Fort Worth!

3 replies
  1. Larry Melnick
    Larry Melnick says:

    I produce USA UNION made woven shirts and would like some additional information about your May 16th Expo. You can contact me above or phone 847-921-2342.
    Thanks, Larry

  2. Carl Clines
    Carl Clines says:

    I developed the “Made in the USA” App, a free App to Consumers and Manufactures. I developed this guide to American products with my own money to help stimulate the American economy. I receive no money! Is there a problem with myself and one of my staff coming to Texas from California to hand out cards, printed with a QR code, that allow folks to download the free App directly? This App is for iPhone and Android. We can Also assist manufactures of American made products listing there companies. Carl Clines 310-445-0932. Thanks


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