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on becoming one of our newest members of The MAM Family!

Now, let’s get the process started. Below are some instructions. Please reach out to your MAM rep if you have any questions.


We require ready-made images of your products, both Lifestyle, and single-product, PNG images. The number of images depends on your membership level. These images ought to be ready for publishing. Please have your logo tastefully displayed on the images. Preferably on the bottom right-hand corner.

Our clients mostly work with Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive. Unfortunately, we do not work with DropBox. We will create a MAM file folder within one of these platforms and share the file with you. The file will be named as follows: “YOUR BRAND – MAM IMAGES”.

Let us know which platform you’d prefer to work with. Once the folder has been created and shared, please add the following to this shared folder:

  • Your LOA
  • Product/Lifestyle images of your products. We’d love to also have several product-only images with a plain/PNG background
  • An image file of your logo (PNG preferred)
  • A brief description of your company/brand (50-75 words)
  • A list of your keywords
  • A list of your hashtags, at least 40


Once your membership is activated, we will drop our LOGO files and a licensing agreement into the shared drive. When adding our logo to your site, please ensure that MAM points to our Made in USA Categories page.


We will need a signed LOA (Letter of Authenticity) stating your products are at least 60% (or more) Made in The USA. Here is a sample LOA for your use. This letter must be updated every six (6) months. We will send you an email reminder every six months. You may add the LOA to whichever drive we are working with.


We ask all members to create a discount code we are able to use when (a) introducing you to our readers as our newest member and (b) when promoting/marketing your brand to our readers via special Newsletter promotions and periodic social promotions.

Most of our clients/members use MAM15, MAM20 or MAM25. It’s a great way to introduce our readers to your brand and influence them to explore your products.


We require at least two (2) sets of your product be shipped to MAM. This allows us to sample the product ourselves allowing us to come up with truthful, compelling content to help promote the brand.

Please contact us for shipping addresses.


Most of the holiday promotions are by invitation only. Two (2) of our largest promotional giveaways are: “Made in USA: More Than Just A Label” in July and “12 Days of American Made Christmas” in December.

Let us know the promotional campaigns you’d like to participate in by completing this form.

All members are to send us three (3) products which we will giveaway at some point throughout the year. If you are a service provider or a maker of furniture, you may opt to give away a gift card in lieu of a product.


Your vendor profile should cover the who, what, where, when, how, and why of your company, along with why being a MAM member is important to you. We ask that you keep it as “evergreen’ as possible so we may be able to use it throughout the year.

  1. 2,000k + words
  2. You may add photo images, product images, videos, and links
  3. Add your social media platforms along with a call to action

We will add your VP to our blog as an article, which will then go out to our subscribers. We will distribute the VP via various social media platforms throughout the year.

We have found a perfect match in collaborating with The Made in America Movement. We’ve been manufacturing jeans in the USA since 1987, so it seemed like a no-brainer after speaking with MAM about getting involved with the organization. We feel this group has the same ideals and vision we have when it comes to American Made products. Our customers are patriots who believe in keeping Americans working, which are the same followers The Made in America Movement cater to. Since joining their movement we’ve seen a boost in website traffic which has led to a boost in subscribers and an increase in sales. Their social media promotions are easy and effective. The beautiful and boldly patriotic photography they use grabs the attention of our followers. For example, one of their promotion photos was liked 1,625 times and was shared more than 2,200 times in the same day. This continued for 10 days in a row. The Made in America Movement team have become a great friend and asset to Diamond Gusset and we look forward to all future collaborations.

Diamond Gusset Jeans, Slacks, Made in USA, Made in America, American made

Thank you for supporting our efforts and thank you for choosing to support American manufacturing.

Together, we continue to make a difference!

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