Chicken From China Labeled “Made In America”

Yet again another food scandal is among us as the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently agreed to allow four chicken processing plants in China to raise and slaughter their chickens in the U.S., export them to China for processing, and them ship them back to the U.S. These chickens will then be sold on every grocery store shelf in the United States with no country of origin labeling. What’s worse is that U.S. inspectors will not be on site at the processing plants in China before the processed chicken will be shipped to the U.S. Again, chicken from China labeled “Made In America”?
Related article: Chicken from China? USDA on board with shipping U.S. chickens to China for processing, then re-entry to States for human consumption
This means there will be little to no control over how the cooked chicken is processed in China. It’s a drastic threat to the health of US consumers and something that must be stopped. China is already notorious for food safety issues. How much longer are we going to hand over control of various US industries to China?
Our health is at risk. Food safety experts are worried about the quality of this processed chicken since China is notorious for toxic foods. Concerns among the public are warranted when you consider that the CDC estimates 325,000 Americans are hospitalized every year from food poisoning, with 3,000 resultant deaths.
Related article: CDC Report Makes Case for Food Safety Bill
Of the massive amount of imported food coming to America, the FDA only has the resources to inspect less than 2 percent. This is a major problem because many nations have less stringent food safety regulations than the United States. Even for the imported chicken from China, Chinese processors won’t be required by the USDA to follow point-of-origin labeling laws because the chicken will already be cooked. This is another huge concern for consumers, as there will be no proof where their chicken came from. It will even lead to other problems such as food counterfeiting — something that so far has largely been restricted to fish markets.
Related article: The Threat of Imported Toxic Food
Not having proper labels also makes it impossible for American consumers to tell if the chicken they want to buy was processed in the U.S. or China, placing a huge burden on families who wish to stay away from foreign foods.
Chicken From China Labeled “Made In America”? Contact your Congressional representative and urge them to stand against this latest agreement between the USDA and China. Send this to five of your friends and have them do the same!
The REAL question is this.. HOW can it be cheaper to ship the Chicken to China for processing and then ship it back to the US.. It can't. Not possible. Which means in China they will switch US breed Chicken for Chinese breed chicken. Ship us the cheap Chinese chicken, and sell the premium US Chicken on the Chinese market. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying. Because at least in our area, Tyson farmers then to be less than 200 miles from the chicken processing plant. So in no world does it exist that the cost of processing is "so much cheaper" in China, That shipping a $2 Bird (the price Tyson pays when you include the bird, feed, payment to the growers, etc.. etc.. ) across the world for processing is in any way financially profitable.. UNLESS there are other motives.
The selling of America…It's been happening for the last 15 years…Fair trade and all that bull crap!
Anyone that tells you this is better, is full of it. Sorry, I will not eat ANY food that says "made in China" any longer, I guess more people and pets are going to have to die at the hands of the Chinese before American's finally get fed up enough to start calling bull *hit on this.
The problem is it WON”T say “Made in China” . Thanks to our crooked politicians and our totally crooked president we will be eating animals raised on shit.
I do NOT trust anything coming from China. America is giving all control to China, sad to say.
Oh please!. FOR YEARS, we have been selling them our cotton dirt cheap. They send it "for processing" to china and then they sell it back to us processed as "MADE IN AMERICA". I think is time for people to get their head out of their @SS and start paying attention to what is going on.
Joan Koch True.. but that doesn't change the fact that SUPPOSEDLY this is a rule to allow them to import our Chicken process it and ship it back to us.. Which, as I point out, can in no way be feasible on a financial level. Processing in China could be free and it wouldn't be cost beneficial to do what they are claiming. Free trade or not.. so there has to be something even more nefarious going on.. More than just "Outsourcing" the chicken processing.
So aside from the fact that no one inspects the chicken and the labeling is a lie,how many American jobs are lost also to this fiasco.
I agree with you, 100%
Charles you raise a valid question
Charles Goin the word nefarious….and it fits,,,also wondered how China can make money on toothpicks…200 for what $.49….and the trees are probably shipped over there….
As I mentioned.. this isn't outsourcing of jobs.. per se.. Cant be. As there is no way processing US Chicken half way across the world would make any financial sense. The other issue is even if they were to process the chicken in China for the Chinese market ( FOr processed Chicken dinners or something ), even that makes no sense. Shipping the meat would cut the cost in half and the shipping in half, so financially it would be better to process and debone the chicken here and ship the Chicken meat to China. So…. the only conclusion I have, is that they ship the Premium Chickens to China, where smaller cheaper chicken meat of questionable quality, it then processed and sold as "US Chicken" back to the US. THAT would make financial sense.
Thats the whole point to this. The chicken is labeled made in America but it is coming from China. Did you even read it?
Can anybody clarify whether the chicken is cooked in the US before shipping to China, or in China? Just trying to understand the details. It's clearly cooked when it's re-imported into the US, but when it's cooked is unclear.
I have been reading several articles trying to find that answer.
The real question is what brand are the being sold under ?
Those baby rat's
I thought the same HOW could it be cheaper, let alone sanitary …. It's the whole getting away from regulations and the proof that they rather pay fines and settlements because that's cheaper than prevention or following FDA OSHA rules and regulations…the same for any large business.. the fines and pay outs are no where near reparation, or clean up costs… they laugh at us and really have no pride in America and could care less about the well being of Americans… Isn't that why they voted in republicans for the next 4 years ? To lower the standards even MORE to give us those "jobs"?? Or was that to line more swiss bank accounts? or was that to make new tax loop holes?? hopefully it will come back around to bite them in the butt..Although it's usually not the well off that receive the e-coli etc contaminated food stuff… expect more of this unlabeled uninspected unregulated food stuffs in the near future
the only change will happen when their pets keep dying, the hell w/ their fellow americans… seems to be their attitude these days… oh and of course if it's a child as well…but lets keep voting for those who make laws to protect GMO companies, and to deregulate and defund every alphabet the government has so there are not enough inspectors in the plants we DO have…makes no sense to me to have to pay our tax dollar to clean ups and law suits when we ALREADY have agencies in place to prevent contamination and deaths to begin with…but hey the people made their choice to vote in southern republicans in both houses good luck! It's kind',a late now if anyone think anything will change….
I'm glad I'm vegan!
Or, what is it being mixed with during the "processing"? How much of the end product is really chicken and how much are byproducts and fillers? Yuck. :p Just doesn't make sense anyway you look at it.
One more reason to stay away from processed foods.
Time for a new label. Made AND processed in USA. If it doesnt say both then dont buy.
Good point, I hadn't thought of secondary processing. I would be willing to be the Chicken is processed and deboned here, then used as an "Ingredient" in China. Thats the only thing that makes financial sense. But if that is the case, then the product should not carry the MADE IN US Label in any shape or form as only the Chicken was US made, and its only an ingredient.
Under Bush II and the corporate controlled Republicans in congress, over a decade ago, "Made in America" and "Made in the USA" were given separate meanings. If a product contains anything that 'originated' in the U.S. (i.e.: cotton, wood, food, etc.), it may carry the "Made in America" label. Haines underwear is the prime example. Their products are made from cotton grown in America, but shipped to central american countries to make the textiles, which are shipped to another central american country to be made into undergarments, that are shipped back to the U.S., with the "Made in America" label on them.
Never buy "Made in America." It is a farce. If it doesn't say "Made in the USA," it isn't made in the USA.
I think Charles Goin is guessing correctly. This is likely being done as a means of shipping Chinese fowl into the US, while side-stepping U.S. laws on diseased animals entering the food supply, as well as laws governing processing to prevent cross-contamination of one of the most disease-carrying animals in our food supply. And, I believe the FDA is well aware of this and helping Chinese corporations find ways to make it happen. I believe this is nothing more than a collaboration of the FDA and China, to smuggle diseased animals into our food supply, for corporate profit.
This is one of the areas where I believe President Obama is really failing Americans. He is almost as cozy with corporations as Bush and Cheney. Unfortunately, I believe Hillary Clinton is even more cozy with big business than any of them, which is why I will give her NO support for a Presidential nomination. ALL of my support will go to Elizabeth Warren and/or Bernie Sanders, who I believe will truly put the American people over corporate profits, as long as we can also give them a congress that will work with them.
Charles Goin As horrifying as this new policy appears to be, I suspect that very little China-processed chicken will actually show up on shelves labelled "Made in the USA", for exactly the reason you mention. If they ship back anything mixed with non-US ingredients, they won't be able to label it that way, so the only things that could actually be labelled would be things that are 100% chicken or where all of the other ingredients came from the US as well. Which might happen somewhat, especially with simpler items like a paddy or a nugget. But for more complicated freezer meals I can't imagine them importing all the ingredients just to maintain a Made in the USA label that most shoppers don't pay attention to anyway.
Just read an article with regards to the fish industry and how pacific salmon is frozen and shipped to China to be deboned etc and then shipped back. According to this article, it is financially feasible. Even with the cost of shipping, it is more profitable to do it this way as workers in China make 1-2 dollars an hour as opposed to American workers who earn an average of $11 an hour for the same job. In any event, the whole concept is just wrong. We're selling ourselves short on so many levels – nutritionally and in the long run economically.
will not buy any products made in china that includes food most definatly, it also includes kitchen items, bath accessories and it is really sad when was the last time you could get a toy for your pet that was not made in china, there taking over
Smithfield 100% owned by china
I will only buy my food grown in America. The closer to home, the better. Furthermore, at this point I'd rather buy NOTHING from China. No electronics, no clothes and no household items. If I can't find something made in the USA I'll settle for something from one of our friends; Japan, So. Korea, India. Hell, I'd even support Afghanistan over the scummy government of China.
Probably because the workers on China are paid $0.40/hr vs $12+/hr in the USA.
Why are we allowing the Chinese to bully us like that. Just like the dog food tradgedy a few years back. We lost our beloved dog and no one cared. Now their has been several cases of bad or contaminated food in our store and we still haven't shut the barn door.
Joan Koch its been going on since Ronald Reagan came to power with voodoo Reaganomics.
When is this shit going to stop with China they steal technology they do not trade by the rules and they sell us poisonous items slap them with sanctions and close the door on there garbage !
I have not eaten a cotton T shirt Lately!!
That's exactly what I have been wondering. When I first read that this was going to eventually happen, the article said that the chicken wouldn't have to be labeled that it took a trip to China at all.
Just wait till Monsanto get all the grain & veggie patents,They will own all food & You will be lucky to eat food will be out of reach.
Can't trust any foods coming from China, they've already sent pet food here that was/is contaminated making our pets sick and causing death in many, now our Government is allowing them to handle and process our food not for me thanks but no thanks, I will not be buying anything in the form of food that comes out of China
How can we get a list of chicken labels, which are processed in China. This is extremely important, especially after we watched our beloved family dog die from Chinese chicken product.
Buy local and cook it at home.. Support the local farmers..
I believe it would pay every family in America to go back to raising our own chickens to eat and supply the family with eggs and a cow for milk and a stear to raise to eat the beef. Buy a small farm. Feed and raise our own livestock. Grow our own food… I have switched my family over to mostly organic and but from local farmers so I know where my foods come from. Support your local farmers…
Wendy, more people in America will have to DIE because of contamination of foods PROCESSED IN CHINA. They don't care if animals die because of bad dog food, and they won't care if AMERICAN CITIZENS DIE OF CONTAMINATED CHICKEN, BEEF, OR ANY OTHER FOODS PROCESSED IN CHINA. The labels will say, "MADE IN AMERICA". HOW WILL WE KNOW?
…..and then they foreclose on American debt?
Charles Goin You raise a valid point. So, again, HOW WILL WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE GETTING?
I said the same thing. My daughter replied to me, "I can't kill chickens". American's are mostly city dwellers, and can't survive as hunter-gatherers.
KONG brand has an American flag, and MADE IN U.S.A. on food labels. I can't find the KONG toys at the moment, but I was sure it was marked MADE IN U.S.A. I'm now on the hunt.
Brad Cohen Weikel …..Providing they actually say they are adding extra 'stuff' while the products are in China. Maybe, like Muslims, to lie is ok when dealing with 'outsiders'.
Fruit of the Loom dyes their underwear in a little town in Ky. Then ships to another country to be made……Now they have moved out of that plant ….wonder if the used the lake all they needed ?
It's sounds like too much work. I don't believe it. Sorry n say what you want.
My super smart and loveable cocker spaniel Molly got sick from the Melanine that wound up in the meat California naturals food sourced from China. she had heart problems ,a stroke and became senile at 11 yrs old. Her companion spaniel whom we adopted after the scandal was revealed lived to be 18 years old. I made their food and supplemented with freeze dried raw from American sourced only., after Molly got sick
It's amazing we deal with get this, COMMUNIST China!!! Our jobs & now our food China conquered us & never fired a shot, we where sold to them by the greed of American CEO's & stockowners instead of keeping our jobs here so we can provide for our families lets make it cheaper & unsafe overseas wake up AMERICA BUY AMERICAN before it's too late
JoAnne Price It will still be subject to inspection and regulation on arrival in the US, and I'm talking about freezer meals here… stuff like teriyaki chicken with peas and rice. It will be obvious. Also, just a tip: don't be racist… it really got in the way of whatever point you were trying to make.
Yeah they want to fill the chicken with toxins so they can kill us off. Why dont usda charge more for importing stuff so they can hire kore inspectors ?
This is what happens when another country owns so much of your debt! Rosetta Stone Mandarin Chinese might be a smart investment!
This is really bad. After more than 600 pets have died after eating Chinese treats, why would anyone human
eat their food
Also, I check country of origin on all the seafood and other meats before I purchase. Some stores like Winn Dixie and Stop and Shop almost exclusively buy from China. If I can"t tell where it comes from I won"t eat it. I'm going to really miss chicken
All this under odumas watch. the fair trade act can be shut down at any time.
I will not respond to your comment as you don't see this as a problem (Bringing s*t from China). Enjoy your laugh!
Jim Webb for President – 2016 nuf said..
let them foreclose they won`t get paid any faster
ask the grocer or the store meat department then if it comes from a processing plant ask them where they bought the chicken from. if it comes from china boycott the store
Gabriel Lopez You are mistaken I was saying there is a problem…Just much more of a problem with food products…..there will always be trade and to think otherwise is ignorant, but when it comes to food its a much more sensitive issue.I must have misunderstood your comment to mean that "we have been outsourcing stuff to china for years so what is the problem?" my appoligies for misunderstanding your stance on this issue…..
THE U.S.D.A. is a joke and the Chinese are laughing
I don't understand why more people cant seem to grasp this simple Concept…
What use is the FDA if it allow this kind of thing. Isn't anyone concerned about what people are eating and how animals are treated?
No use
It stops when we all get together and stop it
It is not better in any way shape or form,we as a people must get together and stop it!
Does anyone have any proof which company is doing this and which market is selling this? Remember, the chickens are being "processed". Which probably means that the are all cooked deboned and then processed into cans that is being sold at $7-8 a lb. When you look at those numbers it becomes apparent that it is very profitable when you look at mass production. When you are paying someone $15/hr for U.S. production or paying a Chinese guy $10/day, you do the math. Charles Goin is probably right on the mark. When you process chicken into cans, there is no way to tell the quality of chicken you are getting.
Prison and child labor
Wal Mart is the primary offender, same as frozen Tilapia and some of our old, established cold cuts producers, make it a habit of reading the labels in detail.
What labels are these chickens being sold under? Nothing coming from China is safe to eat for humans or pets.
the canning flavor stock could also contain chemicals we prefer not to eat.
JoAnne Price lol, financed by our banks…its a very circular issue.
Skip the labels, the big ag corporations and the grocery stores and go your local farmers/producers IF you have one near you. #knowyourfarmer